assertion--sexual reproduction has biological advantage of promoting genetic variety among the members of a species
reason -- the offspring is the product of genes cntributed by both parents.

the ans is both true but reason not correct explanation..why so?

Dear student

Both the statements are correct.
The correct explanation would be that during in sexual reproduction, a daughter cell obtains the genetic material from two different parents and hence the genetic diversity. Sexual reproduction involves the process of meiosis in which the genetic material of each cell doubles and the cell itself divides into four new cells or gametes. Each of these gametes has only half the genetic material of the parent cell and must fuse with another gamete, in order to produce a new organism. During meiosis, the process of crossing over takes place, in which homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange parts with each other. Since they originally came from different parents the crossed-over chromosomes go into different gametes and two different gametes must fuse to produce a new organism. This is how sexual reproduction increases genetic variation.


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