Assuming that debt-equity ratio is 2:1. State giving reasons whether this ratio will increase or decrease or will have no change.

  1. Purchase of fixed asset on a credit of 2 mnths.
  2. Purchase of fixed asset on long term deferred payment basis
  3. Sale of fixed asset (book value 4,000) at a loss of 3,000.
  4. Issue of new shares for cash

Dear Student, the solution to your query is here. 
S.No. Transactions Debt-Equity Ratio will Reason
1. Purchase of fixed asset on a credit of 2 months No Change It will neither affect the Shareholder’s Fund nor Long-Term Debt. Thus, Debt-Equity Ratio remains unchanged
2. Purchase of fixed assets on long-term deferred payment basis Increase Due to this, Long-Term Debt of the business increases but Shareholder’s Fund remains unchanged. Thus, Debt-Equity Ratio increases.
3. Sale of fixed assets (book value 4,000) at a loss of Rs 3,000 Increase Shareholder’s Fund decreases with the amount of loss but Long-Term Loan remains unchanged, thus Debt-Equity Ratio increases.
4. Issue of New Share for Cash Decrease Due to issue of new shares, Shareholder’s Fund increase as well as cash of the company increases but Long-term Debt remains the same. Therefore, it results in decrease of Debt-Equity Ratio.


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