At 298 K, molar conductivities at infinite dilution of NH4Cl, NaOH and NaCl are

129.8, 217.4 and 108.9 ohm-1 cm2 respectively. If molar conductivity ofcentinormal solution of NH4OH is 9.33 ohm-1 cm2, what is the degree ofdissociation if NH4OH solution?

From Kohlrausch’s law, the molar conductivity at infinite dilution of NH4OH can be calculated as:

m (NH4OH) = ∧m (NH4Cl) + ∧m (NaOH) - ∧m (NaCl)
 =  129.8 +  217.4  – 108.9

 = 238.3 ohm/cm2


From Ostwald’s dilution law, ionization constant Kb of weak base is

Kb = cx2 / (1-x) where, 

x = degree of ionisation =  ∧cm / ∧m = 9.33 / 238.3 = 0.0392

given that ∧cm (0.01N) = 9.33 S ohm/cm2 C = 0.01

Kb = (0.01) x (0.0391)2 / (1-0.0392)

 = 1.6 x 10-5   Degree of ionisation

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