Attachmentbonds formed in childhood years have long-term effects. Explaintaking examples from daily life.

Attachmentbonds formed in childhood years have long-term effects because it isnotably developed between the parents and children. These bondsdetermine the level of trust and the perception of the world duringthe formative years of a child. For example, a child growing up in asecure family with sensitive, responsive and affectionate parents isable to trust them. The child is also able to share importantdecisions with them like the choice of career and marriage. On theother hand, a child whose parents are not responsive to his/heremotional needs would not be able to communicate with them as freely.This pattern may continue throughout his/her life. Furthermore,problems of juvenile delinquency are often related to the lack ofattachment of an individual towards his/her parents.

Thus, afamily which provides love and support to gives rise to a pleasingpersonality in the child, whereas a family that does not inculcatethese ideals lead to an aggressive and disturbed personality of thechild.

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