Avinash works in an office from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. He takes a lunch break of 30 minutes in between. Find the ratio of his lunch break to hia working time.

Given, Avinash works in an office from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Between the given time, he takes a break of 30 minutes for lunch.

So, total hours for which Avinash works = (9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m) - 30 minutes

= (9:30 to 17) - 30 minutes

= (17 - 9 :30) - 30 minutes

= 7 : 30 - 30 minutes

= 7 hours

Therefore, Avinash works for 7 hours = 7 × 60 minutes = 420 minutes in a day.

Time he spent in lunch = 30 minutes

So, ratio of his lunch break to the working time  = 30 minutes : 420 minutes

= 30 : 420

= 1 : 14

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Avinash worked for 6 hours=6*60=360 minutes

His breaktime's duration=30 minutes.

so,ratio of his working time to break time is 360:30=36:3=12:1

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