(b) The model of a building is constructed with the scale factor 1 :30. O If the height of the model is 80 cm, find the actual height of the building in meters. 11 If the actual volume of a tank at the top of the building is 27 m2, find the volume of the tank on the top of the model. 9 511

(b) The model of a building is constructed with the scale factor 1 :30. O If the height of the model is 80 cm, find the actual height of the building in meters. 11 If the actual volume of a tank at the top of the building is 27 m2, find the volume of the tank on the top of the model. 9 511 (b) The model ofa building is constructed with the scale factor 1 : 30. (i) If the height of the model 80 cm, find the actual height of the building in (ii) IftheactuaJ volumeofatankatthetop ofthe building is 27 mg, find the volume of the tank on the top of the model. [9511 5

Dear Student,

iheight of modelActual height of building=13080Actual height of building=130Actual height of building=80×30=2400 cm.iiVolume of the tank on the top of the modelVolume of a tank at the top of the building=1303Volume of the tank on the top of the model27=127000Volume of the tank on the top of the model=2727000=11000 m3=10000001000 cm3=1000 cm3.


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