Based on the following characteristics distinguish in tabular form the behaviour of true solution, suspension and colloidal solution. (a) appearance (b) visibility (c) filterability (d) Tyndall effect (e) particle size. plz answer this question fast for board exam!

CharactersTrue solutionSuspensionColloid
AppearanceClear, transparent and homogeneousCloudy and heterogeneous and at least two substances are visible.Cloudy and uniform so appears as homogeneous.
VisibilityClear solutionCloudyCloudy and unclear
FilterabilityNo filtrate obtainedlittle particles will get filteredIt is not filtered.
Tyndall effectNo effectvariable effectIt shows tyndall effect and light is dispersed.
Particle sizeIn molecular size as moleculeslarger than 10,000 Å10-1000 Å

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