Bbc compecta module 1 comprehension

Bbc compecta module 1 comprehension TYPE -C UNSEEN PASSAGES for Comprehension (Carrying 8 Marks) Read 'he FROM PAPYRUS To PAPER more than 5. OOO years ago in At that time wrote on material' made in the by laying or the by side. were *tuck together with crude kind of paste made from bread crumb, soaked in water. '2) Though papyrus travelled all it did to Europe. Europeans started skins their writing parchment and although it had advantages over the humble papyrus. First. parchment could be over without it cracking unlike papyrus. which had to be up into a making for a reader to handle. Second. OS sides of the parchment could be used for writing. no space wayted. material invented earlier in China. A official named Tsai Loon made his in 105 A.D from a motley assortment of strange ingredients including mulberry and bamboo fibres. fishnets and rags. The Emperor Ho Ti was pleased with the invention. Tsai Loon was made an important man in his court. With success going to his head Loon got involved in dangerous business. Unable to face public exposure he committed suicide. The Chinese guarded the secret of papermaking for more than .000 years. Unfortumtely for the Chine•e, the Moors learned it and it was brought to Spain and Sicily. From there i spread throughout Europe and by the 1200s paVE'r mills had mushroomed in Italy and elsewhere. (5' Paik:rgot n big boost when Johannes Gutenberg. German craftsman. invented the first practical mechanical printing press in 1455 next 50 years saw thousands ofbooks being printed all over E urom' and the demand for . At present the U is the world's leading producer, On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions briefly. (a) What different ingredients were used in making papyrus or the plant (b) What advantage did the erude Egyptian paper haveoverth€• European parchment? What advantages did the parchment have over the papyrus? Why was papyrus difficult to handle? How was Tsai Loon rewarded for his 'invention? Why did he commitsuieidelateron? How did the Chinese secret of reach Europe? How did Johannes Gutenberg' s invention give ' a big to Which word in paragraph 4 Of the passage means the same as 'spread or grown quickly?

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