being disease free is not the same as being healthy. explain the above statement giving an example?

being disease free means the person who do not have any disease.

Being healthy means phisically ,mentallysocially fit.

The person who is disease freeis not be healthy if he is not mentally or socially fit.

i.e. the person who disease free may not be healthy.

  • 33

community healthy is essential for good individual health

  • -12
Being disease free is not the same as being healthy
  • -9
There is a slight difference between being healthy and being disesase free. Being healthy means a state of complete physical, mental and social well being where as being disease free means a state of absence of discomfort in any part of body. Healthy person is free from diseases whereas a disease free person can be healthy and unhealthy. Being healthy depends upon an individual as well as its environment where as being disease free depende upom an individual alone. !!!!
  • 6
Being disease free is not the same as being healthy.
  • -9
being healthy is not same as being disease free

a person can eat more junk food and still be healthy
  • -5
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  • -6
A person is healthy if he or she is well physically, mentally and socially to function whereas disease free person is fit only for a particular time. A healthy person may not get easily affected by a disease whereas a disease free person can get affected by a disease. A healthy person is always disease free but a disease free person can be healthy as well as unhealthy

  • 2
Being disease-free is not the same as being healthy as a person may be free of diseases but his/her mental,social or economical health may not be good.
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