Besides size of per capita income , what other property of income is important in comparing two or more societies?

health rate

  • -2

Distribution of income is the other property which is important besides the size of per capita
income in comparing two or more societies.

  • 12
  1. Equal distribution of income is important in comparing two or more societies.
  2. Utilization effect (what for you use it) of income is also important.

Hope this helps...


  • 25

 thanx all of u

  • -5

but its not basically a property of income

  • -5

ur welcome...

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schoool attending rate

life expectancy

  • 3

Besides the per capita income or the average income of a country, the following are other criterion for the cateogorisation of a country into one that is developed and one that is not:


1.Gross Domestic Produce(GDP)

2. The distribtution of income among the citizens of that particular country

3. Infant mortatilty rate(IMR)

4. Net attendance Ratio

5. The health of the citizens.

All though most are not rwholly related to income, you might want to include the same in your points.

Hope this helps..

  • 57
Thank you so much everyone but d last answer was goood really helpful
  • -3
Equitable distribution of income and Purchasing power parity is another important property of income; while comparing two or more societies. Purchasing power parity shows the ability of people to purchase some items which are taken for comparison.
  • 7
Average income, i.e., percapita incomeisan important but notthe only criterion for development. Along with average income, equitable distribution of income (i.e., people are neither very rich nor extremely poor) in a country should also be considered. If the national income is widely distributed among the people, It shows a better distribution of income. High per capita income combined with a better distribution of income is a good index of economic welfare.
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1st point :-Equal distribution of income is important in comparing two or more societies. 2nd point :-Utilization effect (what for you use it) of income is also important. Hope this helps...
  • 1
Besides per capita income the following properties of income are also very important:
-  GDP.
- Equal distribution of income among citizens.
- Utilization effect.
- Purchasing power capacity.
  • 7
Hope this help

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