Biology Important question of +2 chapter 3 Human reproduction

Dear Student

1. Practice the diagrams well with proper labelling and learn their functions too. 
2. Hormones of males and females.
3. Events observed in human reproduction in chronological order. 
4. Reason for the absence of menstrual cycles during conception or pregnancy?
5. Names of the hormones, endocrine glands along with functions of the hormones that are crucial in causing spermatogenesis.
6. Significance of LH surge through the menstrual cycle?
7. Why corpus luteum stay active throughout pregnancy and in the absence of fertilization, is active only for 10-12 days?
8. Functions of placenta other than its endocrine function?
9. Draw a schematic diagram depicting oogenesis.
10. Mention the changes taking place during the transition of a primary follicle to Graafian follicle in the oogonia.
developmental stages of the zygote until implantation.

There are many more practice these.

Do let us know in case you need help with the answers.

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