boojho took some grains of boiled rice im test tube 'A'and paheli took some boiled and chewed rice in test tube 'B' . Both of then poured 1-2 drops of iodine solution into the test tube and observed the colour change . What colour change the have observrd? Give reasons for your answer.

Please find this answer

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the test tube 'A' on which boojho left the grains into will turn blu as there is startch present in boiled rice. paheli's test tube ('b') is filled with chewed rice ,it will remain colourless as the starch is already consumed by paheli . HOPE U GOT IT 
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Can we talk on social site which do uh want
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shruti which school are you
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Tube A blue tube B normal
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Tube A blue colour Tube B yellow
  • -1
Tube A changes to blue and tube B changes to yellow.
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Test tube a shows bluish black colour while test tube b doesnt....This question is from NCERT
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The test tube `A' contain boiled rice change colour blue-black while drooping 1-2 drop of iodine because it contain starch and iodine convert starch into blue-black where test tube `B'  contain boiled-chewed rice not change it's colour blue-black while drooping 1-2 drop of iodine because while chewing, the saliva make starch into simple sugar and iodine can't change simple sugar into blue-black so the test tube `B'  content colour doesn't change while test tube `A' content colour change into blue-black .                         HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND THANKS........... 
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