boys are not born to cook food

Dear Student,

With regard to the above mentioned statement please refer the following points :

a. The Indian society has always fixed women in a particular realm regarding private sphere for them and has regarded public domain for men.
b. This attitude has developed over a period of time due to the general mind set of the parents and society. Girls are told to be caring, be helping hand to their mothers, look after the house whereas this kind of work is generally not accepted from boys who are expected to go out and work. They are not expected to cook at home.
c. Women are involved in household chores like cooking, looking after their house, rearing children, involved in washing clothes etc.
d.But it is this work  which is unaccounted for and is devalued by the society.
e. And it is this mind set which needs to be changed and demands respect for women's work.
f. This is
Gender prejudice which  is rather  result of  a mind set ,  that develops preconceived idea about women and is  not based on knowledge, reason or thought.



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