briefly describe the changes which take place during infancy, childhood, adulthood?

During infancy and childhood, the body’s physical growth would be higher. Infants start to crawl, sit, speak, stand, walk and run in this stage. Brain grasps all the information quickly and the child can able to learn as many as he/she can. But major physical changes occur in adulthood.

They are

In Boys:

  • Triggered by the Testosterone hormone secreted from Testes.
  • Development of secondary sexual characters like Enlargement of penis and scortum, Growth of hair in faces and chest extra hair in the armpits & increase in height and deepening of voice etc.

In Girls:

  • Triggered by Estrogen hormone secreted from Ovaries.
  • Growth and maturity of reproductive tract.
  • Changes a girl into women fit to bear children.
  • Development of secondary sexual characters like growth of breasts and vulva, growth of pubic hair extra hair in the armpits & Initiation of menstruation and ovulation.

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