Briefly describe the reproduction in angiosperms and gymnosperems in points .

Dear student,
After pollination fertilization occurs in angiosperm through the process of double fertilisation. In flowering plants during fertilization, pollens from male flower are dropped on the stigma of female flower. Inside the pollen grain, two pollen nuclei (male gametes) are formed which gradually enter inside the ovule through pollen tubes. In the ovule one male nucleus fuses with the egg cell to form zygote and other fuses with the secondary nucleus or the central nucleus to form the endosperm. As the fertilization is taking place twice, it is known as double fertilization.
Cone is the reproductive organ in gymnosperms microspores gives rise male gametophyte and megaspore gives rise to female gametophyte. In case of pinus the two types of cones are found on the same tree while in cycas cones are found on different tree. The development of sporangium in the gymnosperm is usually eusporangiate. Pollination occurs by wind and fertilization occurs forming the endosperm which is haploid. The seed is fruitless because ovules are naked, the ovular integument forms the seed coat. Alternation of generation occurs between sporophytic and gametophytic generation. Sporophytic generation is dominant while gametophytic generation is dependent on sporophytic eneration.


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