Bring out the humorous irony in the story Ranga marriage

Dear Student,

The solution to your query is as follows:

In the story, “Ranga’s marriage”, the narrator has every intension of making Ranga marry. However, he manipulates the situation in such a humorous manner that leaves the reader but laughing at the end of the story. Ranga is at first determined not to marry. However, upon meeting Ratna he is completely smitten. The narrator purposely tells Ranga that Ratna is a married woman. This is a complete disappointment to Ranga. Ultimately, when Ranga admits his love for Ratna to the astrologer, the narrator makes arrangements for Ranga and Ratna’s marriage.  Thus, the irony is that even though at first Ranga does not want to marry, he is trapped and ultimately does marry.



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