By what number should (-3/2)-3 be divided so that the quotient is (9/4)-2?

Given    (-32)-3 is divided, and quotient is (94)-2Let the number be x by which (-32)-3 is (-32)-3x=(94)-2And (94)-2  can be written as {(-32)2}-2, and 2 and -2 are multiplied then, so {-32}-4(94)-2={-32}-4So the question get changed into(-32)-3x={-32}-4or (-32)-3{-32}-4=xSo x=(-32)-3-(-4)     (as anam=an-m)So x = (-32)-3+4=(-32) ans

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(-3/2)-3 = 1 divided by (-3/2)3 = 1 divided by (-27/8) = -8/27

(9/4)-2 = 1 divided by (9/4)2 = 1 divided by (81/16) = 16/81

Considering the unknown number to divide -8/27 to get 16/81 as x, we get the equation -8/27 divided by x = 16/81

therefore x = -8/27 divided by 16/81 = (-8/27)(81/16) = (-8*81) (27*16) = -3/2

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