c3 pathway describtion for 2 marks and 5 marks all the answers need the same thing as we write for 5 marks?

Dear Student

Calvin Cycle (C

  • The path of carbon in the dark reaction was traced by Melvin Calvin using radioactive carbon (14C).

  • Calvin pathway occurs in all photosynthetic plants, irrespective of whether they have C3 or C4pathway.

  • The primary acceptor of CO2 was found to be a 5-carbon ketose sugar called Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP). This was surprising as it was believed that for the formation of a 3-carbon product, CO2 would have to be accepted by a 2-carbon compound.

  • RuBP is used in a cyclic manner (regenerated) and a sugar is synthesised.

  • 3 stages of Calvin cycle: Carboxylation, Reduction and Regeneration

  • Carboxylation

    • Ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate combines with CO2, and fixes it to a stable organic intermediate (3-phosphoglycerate − 2 molecules).

    • Reaction catalysed by the enzyme RuBisCO (RuBP Carboxylase-Oxygenase)

    • 3 PGA is the first stable product of this cycle.

  • Reduction

    • Here, 2 molecules each of ATP and NADPH are required for fixing 1 molecule of CO2.

    • This stage contains a series of reactions.

    • Glucose is formed as a result of this series of reactions.

  • Regeneration

    • RuBP regenerates to enable the cycle to continue uninterrupted.

    • 1 ATP molecule is required.

  • For the formation of one molecule of glucose, six molecules of CO2 need to be fixed; hence, six cycles are required.

    ​​​​​** When asked for two marks you can give its site for occurrence and the three steps.
    ** When asked for five marks explain the whole thing with diagram.


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C3 photosynthesis. C3 photosynthesis is the major of the three metabolic pathways for carbon fixation by plants. This process uses the enzyme RuBisCO in relatively inefficient conditions, to fix CO2 from the air and obtain the 3-carbon organic intermediate molecule 3-phosphoglycerate.
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