Calcualte the effective nuclear charge ( Z*) of Na+.

p.s. Don't know to which class this question would belong to!:P I'm reading it in IIT coaching!

Dear student!

We have, effective nuclear charge,

 Z* = Z - σ,  Where, Z= Atomic number, σ = Shielding or screening constant.

To calculate screening constant, we need to write e.c of sodium (Na)= 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1,  

For, sodium ion Na+ =  1s2 2s2 2p6  

The shielding constant is calculated as:

The shielding constant for each group is formed as the sum of the following contributions:

All other electrons in the same group as the electron of interest shield to an extent of 0.35 nuclear charge units except 1s group, where the other electron contributes only 0.30.

If the group is of the [s, p] type, an amount of 0.85 from each electron (n-1) shell and an amount of 1.00 for each electron from (n-2) and lower shell.

If the group is of the [d] or [f] type then an amount of 1.00 for each electron from all lying left to that orbital.

So, nth level(3s 3p) contributes zero electrons, (n-1) level has 6 and (n-2) level has 2 electrons so,

σ =  0.85 x 8 + 1 x2 = 6.8 +2 = 8.8 

So,  Z* = Z - σ = 11-8 .8 =  2.2 

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I'm getting an answer but I'm confused as to whether its right! I couldn't get an appropriate answer in google! So pls check whether this is right!

The answer I got:

Z* = Atomic no (Z). - Screening constant (S)

Electronic configuration of Na+ = 1s22s22p6

Here (n) = 7 (Excluding one electron as the rule states)

(n-1) = 2

According to the slater rule,

The electron present in the nth level contributes 0.35 of S for each electron and the electron present in the (n-1) level contributes 0.85 of S for each electron!

Therefore S of Na+ = (n) * 0.35 +(n-1) * 0.85

= 7 * 0.35 + 2* 0.85

= 2 .45 = 1.7 = 4 .15

Therefore Z* = 11 - 4.15 = 6.85

The effective nuclear charge of Na+ atom is 6.85!

Thanking u in anticipation!!!

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