calculate mean median mode in the question group-1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 and f-4 16 36 45 50 answer plzz fast tommorow is exam

I think you might have made a typo by writing 'cf' as 'f'
C.I cf Mid value(M) fm f
0.5 - 10.5 4 5.5 22 4
10.5 - 20.5 16 15.5 186 12
20.5-30.5 36 25.5 510 20
30.5-40.5 45 35.5 319.5 9
40.5-50.5 50 45.5 227.5 5
Total 151   1265  

Mean = fmf = 126550 = 25.3N2= 502= 25Therefore, median class is 20.5 - 30.5Median = L + N2 - cff× i= 20.5 + 25 - 1620× 10= 25Highest frequency = 20Therefore, modal class is 20.5 - 30.5Mode = L + f1 - f02f1-f2-f0× i= 20.5 + 20 - 1240 - 12 - 9×10= 20.5 + 4.2 = 24.7

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