calculate rank correlation and Karlpear sons method of correlation

x 77,54,27,52,14,35,90,25.56,60

y 35,58,60,46,50,40,35,56,44,42

Karl pearson's coefficient of correlation
x y dx(A=50) dy(A=50) (dx)​2 (dy)​2 dxdy
77 35 27 -15 729 225 -105
54 58 4 8 16 16 32
27 60 -23 10 529 100 -230
52 46 2 -4 4 16 -8
14 50 -36 0 1296 0 0
35 40 -15 -10 225 100 -150
90 35 40 -15 1600 225 -600
25 56 -25 6 625 36 -150
56 44 6 -6 36 36 -36
60 42 10 -8 100 64 -80
490 466 -10 -34 5160 818 -1319

r = dxdy - dx×dyNdx2-(dx)2n      dy2-(dy)2n = -1319 - (-10)(-34)105160-(-10)210      818-(34)210 = -135371.7 ×26.5 = -13531900.05 = -0.71
Spearman's rank correlation

x y R R D D2
77 35 2 9.5 -7.5 56.25
54 58 5 2 3 9
27 60 8 1 7 49
52 46 6 5 1 16
14 50 10 4 6 36
35 40 7 8 -1 1
90 35 1 9.5 -8.5 72.25
25 56 9 3 6 36
56 44 4 6 -2 4
60 42 3 7 -4 16
490 466       295.5

rk = 1 -6D2 - 112M13 - M1N3 - N= 1 - 6295.5 - 11223 - 2103 - 10= 1 - 1771990= 1-1.78=- 0.78

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