Calculate the mass of aluminium oxide which contains double the number of oxygen atoms in 192 g of oxygen gas.
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1. Number of moles in 192 g of oxygen gas = given massmolar mass=19232=6 moles.Number of oxygen atoms in 6 moles = 2 ×6×NA (as oxygen gas is O2)                                                                  = 12 NA2. Number of moles of oxygen atom = number  ofatomsNA=12NANA=12 moles  Mass of 32 moles of oxygen atom= 12×16 = 192 g

3. In 1 mole of Al2O3, 54 g of Al is present with 48 g of oxygen.
  thus 1 g of oxygen is present with 5448g of aluminium
and 512 g of oxygen is present with 5448×192=216 g of aluminium

Total mass of aluminium oxide =192+216  = 408 g.

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