Calculate the maximum total number of electrons in Gallium(Z=31), with spin +1/2 and which occupy orbitals having minimum one radial node

Dear Student

Atomic number, Z = 31
Column = 13 ;    Row = 4

Electronic Configuration --> 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s​​2  3d10 4p1   or      [Ar] ​4s​​2 3d10 4p1

4p here, has a single electron which can either be in 4px , 4py or 4pz orbital (i.e., 3) and it can either be spin up or spin down (i.e., 2).
Therefore, possible set of quantum numbers = 3 x 2 = 6

For 4p orbital -
n = 1,2, ....., N = 4
So, the principal quantum number, N = 4

l = 0,1,2....., n -1 = 1
Angular momentum quantum number = 1

ml = {0,1, ..., ±l} = {0, ​±1} 
So, magnetic quantum number will be {0, ​±1}
Here, we have, 2l + 1 = 2(1) + 1 = 3 total 4p orbitals

For 4p electron -
n and l quantum number are fixed.
However, ml may vary as -1, 0 or +1.
Spin quantum number, ms can be ​​±12

Therefore, the possible set of quantum numbers are -
(n, l, ml, ms) = (4, 1, -1, +​12)
(n, l, ml, ms) = ​(4, 1, 0, +​12)
(n, l, ml, ms) = ​(4, 1, +1, +​12)
(n, l, ml, ms) = ​(4, 1, -1, -​12)
(n, l, ml, ms) = ​(4, 1, 0, -​12)
(n, l, ml, ms) = ​(4, 1, +1, -​12)

Radial Nodes -
For a 4p orbital, l = 1
Radial Node = n - l - 1 = 4 - 1-1 = 2
So, if there is a minimum of one radial node than one electron will occupy the same.



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