can 2 obtuse angles be a supplementary angle?

Hi Gayathri!

It is known that the angle whose measure is in between 90° and 180° is called an obtuse angle.

Therefore, if two obtuse angles are added; then their sum will be in between 2 × 90° and 2 × 180° .

I.e., the sum of two obtuse angle is in between 180° and 360°.

For instance, let us take two obtuse angles of measures 91° and 92°.

Sum of these angles = 91° + 92° = 183° which is in between 180° and 360°.


For another instance, let us take another two obtuse angles of measures 178° and 179°.

Sum of these angles = 178° + 179° = 357° which is in between 180° and 360°


Similarly, if you add two obtuse angles of any measures; then their sum will be in between 180° and 360°.

 This means the sum of the measures of any two obtuse angles is not 180°.


Thus, two obtuse angles can never be supplementary angles.

Hope this helps!


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90 + 90 =180.If a number x and number y >90,the sum will be more than 90.

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nopty nopty nopty no :I

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no way  durbhakoundya u dont know simple angles ?

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never ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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