Can a monopolist sell more of a commodity at a higher price? explain

Yes...bcs they have a partial control over the peice
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Thankyou! But can you please elaborate a little more
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No, the monopolist cannot sell more of a commodity at a higher price. This is because in the case of a monopoly, one firm constitutes the whole industry. Therefore, the entire demand of the consumers for a product faces the monopolist. Since the demand curve of the consumers for a product slopes downwards, the monopolist faces a downward sloping demand curve.
If he wants to increase the sale of his good, he must lower the price. He can raise the price if he is willing to sacrifice some sales.
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No monopolist can earn more by increasing the price upto a certain extent but since the demand curve is downward sloping and steep the demand will definately fall with increase in price
Though the proportion might be less in comparision to that of the price
Hope your doubt is clarified
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