can i have a poem on Girl power don't say make yourself please!

i dont know
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Girl Power - Poem by Crystal Pierce

Never underestimate the mind of girls.
Yes, our emotions have a million swirls, 
but we are strong! 
Never doubt us, we're never wrong.

Girl Power

We have big hearts, 
and we try not to fall apart.
Our minds aren't complicated.
Our thoughts are just hated.

Girl Power

Boys just couldn't understand.
They don't even come up with plans! 
We try our best to help them understand
what we have planned.

Girl Power 

Crystal Pierce
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What's up 
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Good one Lighitta :)
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Thank you|
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awesome poem
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It's awsome poem....I appreciate the Author @Ligittha
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@LIGHITTHA, I appreciate your poem and the poem is really amazing.
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