can I have explanation of natural resources like air,water,soil,fossil fuels,how to conserve these things and why it is important ?
what is biodegradable and non- biodegradable ?
fast its important

Conservation of renewable form of energy such as air and water is not important as they can be renewed. However there sustainable use and preventing them from being polluted is more important. Also, fossil fuels forms the non-renewable source of energy needs to be conserved and this can be done when they are used wisely thereby preventing them from depletion.
Conservation of resources is important so that our future generations can also benefit from it.

Kindly post the other question in separate thread.

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Biodegradable matter is generally organic material such as plant and animal matter and other substances originating from living organisms like fruit peels. Biodegradable waste is anything that will turn to dirt eventually like banana peels, potatoes, and other food scraps. Also most uncoated paper products like lunch sacks. Which will not harm the environment and is useful in many ways too.

Non-biodegradable are plastics, glass and metals which can harm the environment because plastics are harmful for environment.
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