two obtuse angles cannot be complement to each other as an obtuse angle measures more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees whereas complementary angles add up to ninety degrees. only two acute angles can be complement to each other

  • 3
 It's impossible. Supplements need to add up to 180 degrees, and in order to be obtuse, the angles would both need to be larger than 90 degrees.
  • 1
No because An obtuse angle is one which is more than 90° but less than 180°. A supplementary angle is 180 degrees so if you have something that's gotta be more than 90 degrees, then it cannot equal to 180. For example, you might have an obtuse angle of 90.5 and 91 and those numbers don't equal 180. Only 90 + 90 can equal 180
  • 4
Supplementary angles add to 180 degrees. Obtuse angles are bigger than 90 degrees but smaller than 180 degrees. The smallest obtuse angle you can get is 91 degrees so

91+ 91 = 182 degrees.

No. Two obtuse angles cannot be supplementary
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experts please give a vote.
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and sorry to share my feelings.
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No it can not be because an obtuse angle is 90 degree
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