can u explain the diiferent types of clauses

Clauses can be broadly broken up into Independent Clauses and Dependent Clauses.

Independent clauses are the ones that can stand on their own and make their meaning clear.

For example:

The Math exam is tomorrow.

It is very difficult.

Independent clauses are joined with the help of coordinating conjunctions.

For example:

The Math exam is tomorrow and it is very difficult.

Dependent clauses are ones which cannot stand on their own and make their meaning clear.

For example,

The room was open when the police came.

'when the police came' is the dependent clause.

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There are two major types of clauses main (or independent) clause and subordinate (or dependant) clause.

Main Clause and Subordinate Clause Comparison

He is buying a shirt which looks very nice.

The above sentence has two clauses He is buying a shirt and which looks very nice. The clause He is buying a shirt expresses a complete thought and can alone stand as a sentence. Such a clause is called main or independent clause. While the clause which looks very nice does not express a complete thought and cant stand as a sentence. It depends on another clause (main clause) to express complete idea. Such a clause is called subordinate or dependent clause.

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Contain both a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a sentence.For example-Jet lag affects most long distance travelers.


Contain both a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence.They are introduced by sub-ordinating conjunctions such as-because,what,if. For example-Although there is no sure way to prevent a jet lag.NOW SAY UP:THANKS TO ME..........

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