Can you find at least two instances from the chapter that suggest that there were other ways of thinking about the image of the capital city?

The following points may help you:

a. We may give example of how Delhi became the capital city, and that change should the British believed must reflect British' supremacy and authority.
b. Such was the view of ​Viceroy Hardinge, who visulaised Delhi to be the political seat and ​ reflective of British victory over the region which was once ruled by Mughal emperors and which was once the centre of rebellion of 1857. It was to consolidate British control in the country and their determination to rule the country.
c. Another view for example was represented by the 
British architects Edward Luyten and Herbert Baker who imagined Delhi to have unique architectural style Comprising of straight,broad street lines with sprawling mansions reflective of elements of east and west. 
d. Its monuments Baker believed should reflect good governance and unity which India had attained under the British.


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