Can you give solution to this question?1.  A mason was employed at a construction site for a period of 60 days. He was given Rs 250 per day but if he was absent from work, a sum of Rs 75 was deducted per day. At the end of 60 days he recieved Rs 12,400.Find the number of days he was absent.

2.9x+7/2-(x-x-2/7)=36 FROM SIMPLE EQUATIONS


Let the mason be absent for x days.

Total number of days for which mason is appointed = 60

So, the mason worked for (60 – x) days.

Money paid for work = Rs 250 per day

Money deducted for being absent = Rs 75 per day

Total money mason got = Rs 12,400

According to the given condition, 

(60 – x) × 250 – x × 75 = 12400

⇒ 15000 – 250x – 75x = 12400

⇒ 325x = 2600

x = 8

So, the mason was absent for 8 days.


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