can you please tell me an easy way to identify if a mishrit vakya has
sangya aashrit upvakya
visheshan aashrit upvakya
kriya visheshan aashrit upvakya...
i am in class 10...CBSE board..

 (I) in snagya aashrit upvakya there is a use of (कि) in a sentences or in some sentences (कि) is hidden .
(ii) in visheshan aashrit upvakya  (जो , जहा , जिन्होंने ,जिसे ) are used..
(III) in kriya visesan aashrit upvakya ( जब -जब तब -तब , यदि - तो , ज्यो ही -त्यों ही, चुकी - इशलिये , ताकि ) are used......

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Answer: Yes the quote is relevant to the story. Explanation: A Triumph of Surgery talks about the over care of an owner of a dog and it's unfortunate circumstances, and both, the dog and it's owner struggle to
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Meeting with Anil: The narrator of The Thief's Story' is a thief. He was just 15 years old when he met Anil, a writer of about 25 years. Anil was a tall, lean and thin fellow. He looked easy going, kind and simple enough for the purp
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Why is the title triumph of surgery?

The title of the story "The Triumph of Surgery" is appropriate because the dog was cured without the dose of medicines. ... Looking the dog after fortnight Mrs Pumphrey was very happy and after knowing that Mr Herriot did it all without any medicinal treatment, she named it as a "Triumph Of Surgery".13-May-2019

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The measure of an angle is determined by the amount of rotation from the initial side to the terminal side. One way to measure an angle is in terms of degrees . A measure of one degree ( 1? ) is equivalent to a rotation of 1360 of a complete revolution. Unko
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