Can you pls explain this paragraph??🙏

Can you pls explain this paragraph??🙏 electrons and the exchange ener4T. Exchange energr is responsible the stabilisation of ener4' state. Exchange energr is approximate I) proportional to the total number of possible pairs of parallel the degenerate orbitals. When several electrons occupy a set degenerate orbitals, the lowest energy state corresponds to the maximum possible extent of single occupation of orbital and parallel spins rule). me loss of exchange energr increases the stability. As the increases, the ionisation becomes more difficult. There is no loss exchange energy at d configuration. Mn+ has 3d54s1 configuration configuration of Cr+ is d, therefore, ionisation enthalpy of Mn+ is than Cr+. In the same way. Fe2+ has d configuration and Mnl+ has 3 configuration. Hence, ionisation enthalpy of Fez + is lower than the In other words, we can say that the third ionisation enthalpy of Fe lower than that of Mn.

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