​What are carbohydrates? What are the different types of carbohydrates?

@Jivansu: You may refer to the answer provided by your friend.

@Jyotsna: Good work! Keep it up.

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Carbohydrates, or saccharides, are sugars and starches, which provide energy for humans and animals, and cellulose which make up many plant structures. “Carbs,” as they are now commonly referred to, have become both a blessing and a curse, as the process of modern food production has changed the way they are consumed. There are two types ofcarbohydratessimple, or monosaccharides and complex, or polysaccharides.


Types of carbohydrate


  • Simple carbohydrates are also known as simple sugars. These simple carbs give the body a quick energy boost. Natural sugar from fruit, table sugar and sugar from milk all fall into this category.


  • Fiber and starch are complex carbs that take longer for the body to digest. Vegetables, breads, rice, whole grains and pasta are examples of complex carbohydrates.


  • Sugar occurs naturally or as an additive and brings the body a quick energy boost. Natural sugars are those found in fruit and milk, while additives are those added during preparation such as in cookies or sodas. All of these carbs act as quick energy boosters.


  • Starches provide the body with energy it needs throughout the day. Starch-filled foods include vegetables, beans, whole grains, breads and pasta. Starches are the most common food eaten by athletes, especially before a competition.


  • Fiber comes from plant food and is indigestible. Foods high in fiber include beans, peas, fruits and veggies with edible skins and whole grains.

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