Cell foldable- Aim - to create a pictorial representation of the parts of cell , with name of the major organelle's and description of their functions.
Material's required - 12x18 white paper , markers , scissors .
Procedure- 1. Fold the paper in a way so that it is divided into 16 sections.
2. Cut the folds on one side of the paper only .
3. Draw each of cell parts on the front of the flap as it is closed down.
4. On the back of the flap write the function's of the organelle's
Expert's please answer my question as fast as you can today only in 25 minutes and I want you to please answer it.

Dear student
Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried answering on your own. You can send us your answer for checking. Here are some important organelles of cell-
1) Mitochondria- helps in cellular respiration.
2) Golgi apparatus- used in processing and packaging of lipids, proteins and enzymes.
3) Rough endoplasmic reticulum- it produces proteins
4) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum- helps in making hormones and lipids.
5) Nucleus- centre for all the genetic material.
Hope this helps!

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Please don't say that please ask academic questions as it is a academic question and please don't write that these question are mend for your creative work.
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