Change these sentences into passive voice

1) The dogs were fed everyday by the grandmother.
2)The crumbs hadn't been eaten by the sparrows.
3) The pharaoh is loved by the people of Egypt.
4) In crises, Sue showed bravery.
5) The value of schooling increases by teaching of moral values.
6) In the beginning Aram did not ride the horse.
7) Mr. Crocker Harris is being waited for by Taplow.
8) The ghost was helped by Virginia.
9) The bill of purchase was not given to me by the shopkeeper.
10) Ranga wasn't noticed by Ratna.
  • 17
Virginia Had helped the ghost
  • 0
1) The dogs were fed everyday by the grandmother.
2)The crumbs hadn't been eaten by the sparrows.
3) The pharaoh is loved by the people of Egypt.
4) In crises, Sue showed bravery.
5) The value of schooling increases by teaching of moral values.
6) In the beginning Aram did not ride the horse.
7) Mr. Crocker Harris is being waited for by Taplow.
8) The ghost was helped by Virginia.
9) The bill of purchase was not given to me by the shopkeeper.
10) Ranga wasn't noticed by Ratna.
  • 1
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