change to passive voice

I found it last night in a ditch near my house.

it was found by me last night in a ditch near my house
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Hi adarsh here it is Near my hose i found it last night in a ditch
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Oops its wrong Near my house i found it in a ditch last night
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Passive voice-
It was found by me last night in a ditch near my house.
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The answer is - It was found near a ditch near my house.
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The answer is - It was found in a ditch near my house.
We do not write 'by me' as in most cases we do consider to write this detail.
And as the form of the passive:
object + verb + doer
The sentece obtained is- It was found in a ditch near my house.

Hope it is helpful.
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It was found in a ditch near my house.

Hope the above answer helps you clear your doubt.
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It was found last night in a ditch near my house.
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