Changed the voice of the following sentence (which is marked with red color)

Dear Student
1. Your parents should be obeyed by you.
2. We will be punished by the teacher for telling lies.
3. Let the truth always be spoken.
4.A taxi could have been hired by you.
5.Bad company should not be kept by you.
6.Would a cup of tea be liked by you?
8.She is expected to finish her work on time.
9.The meeting had been postponed.
10. The laws must be obeyed by us.

Kindly ask the remaining questions separate thread


  • 0
Your parents must be obeyed by you.
  • 1
We would be punished by the teacher for telling lies.
  • 1
Always speak the truth will not change because it is Universal Truth
  • 1
A taxi could have hired by you
  • 1
Bad company should not be kept.
  • 1
Would a cup of tea be liked by you?
  • 1
I expect the work to be finished on time by her.
  • 1
What are you looking for?