Chapter numer 10 m yasuki chaan ko hasane k liye toto chaan n kya kiya??

अपने मित्रों को हँसाने के लिए तथा प्रसन्न रखने के लिए तोतोचान ने उसे अपने पेड़ पर चढ़ाया। 

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ask properly not clear question
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plz write properly and dont write chapter number
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Hindi m nhi likha jata
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If experts know this question's answer so please answer
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usko tree per chadaya bada pasena bahake aur agar ye sahe h to like karo aur agar galt h to bhi like karo
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dear student,
did not get your question
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dont u know english or arabic
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I know english .
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Dear friend,
I cannot understand your question at all. Please say the question properly so that we can help and answer you.
Asiyah Abdulqadeer
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