Character analysis essay of bruno in bond of love?

Dear Student,

At the start of the novel Bruno is a nine-year-old boy living in Berlin during World War II. His Father, a Nazi officer, then moves the family to Auschwitz, Poland. As Bruno is young and cannot pronounce certain words, throughout the novel Hitler is referred to as “the Fury" (the Fuhrer) and Auschwitz is referred to as "Out With". Bruno is very sheltered and naive, and though he develops a close friendship with Shmuel, a Jewish boy in the concentration camp, Bruno has a difficult time grasping exactly how hard life is on the other side of the fence. Bruno is very interested in art and books, and loves exploring. He wants to become a soldier like his father, and though his parents never explain to him what is happening in the war, he has been indoctrinated from a young age to believe that Germany, the “Fatherland,” is superior to all other nations. Bruno is small for his age, and is very sensitive to people like Lieutenant Kotler calling him “little man.” Ultimately Bruno never gets the chance to outgrow his ignorance and innocence, as his natural empathy and friendship for Shmuel lead him to cross the fence and be killed in a gas chamber.

Manshi Arora

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