Character sketch of Dunstan Cass? (150-200 words)

Dunstan is set as a direct contrast to Godfrey. Where Godfrey is merely weak, Dunstan is completely bad. He is vain, arrogant, and selfish, as well as dishonest. Like Godfrey, he is primarily interested in what he himself wants, but he lacks any saving virtues. Dunstan suspects his own worthlessness: while he thinks what a fine person he is, he fears the opinions of others on that subject. This narcissism is put symbolically by having Dunstan take Godfrey's whip, as it gives a better appearance than his own.

Dunstan, like Eppie, is just the sort of person needed to fulfill his role. He serves as a contrast to Godfrey, as a means of relieving Silas of his gold, and as a reminder to Godfrey that truth will eventually reveal itself. When not needed, he can be conveniently removed from the story without being missed. He is an example of static characterization — he shows no development during the story and comes on the scene full-blown. However, he has a certain complexity: his repressed knowledge of his faults gives him a psychological interest that Eppie lacks.


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Squire Cass?s lewd younger son, Dunstan prioritizes drinking and gambling. He is unconcerned for others? interests. He manipulates his brother,?Godfrey, into giving him money to pursue his various pastimes. He sells Wildfire, Godfrey?s horse, only to later kill the horse while riding it through a difficult jumping course. He is unconcerned with the horse?s death, and Godfrey?s fate, and walks home, only to pass by?Silas Marner?s cottage. He is struck by a memory of talk of the weaver?s wealth and decides to rob him. Years later, Dunstan?s body, along with the stolen gold, is found at the bottom of the?stone pit?by Silas Marner?s cottage.
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