character sketch of mrs annie pearson

Mrs Pearson was a docile,submissive and diminutive woman, a pushover taken for granted by her family, striving at her thankless job as a mother and wife without any appreciation. Her children did not respect her and ordered her about while her husband thought of her as his own personal servant forever at his beck and call. Mrs Pearson was soft-spoken and weak in terms of personality,so instead of putting her foot down on such rough treatment from her own family, she allowed them to continue to treat her in this roughshod manner. She did not take any firm action to change matters. Therefore,she would always be found crying over her situation rather than taking charge.

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Mrs Pearsonis the submissive and docile protagonist of the play. She is neglected by her family and treated as a slave. Living her life in servitude, she has forgotten her individuality and the respect that she deserves in her family. She lives for her family and has forgotten that she has a life of her own.

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Mrs Fitzgerald is older than Mrs Pearson heavier and has a strong and sinister personality.She enjoys smoking and drinking.Her husband was a quartermaster and she travelled all around the world.

Mrs person is rather meek,caring and a dedicated wife and mother.She runs after her family all the time taking thier orders like a servant.She does not go outside to enjoy herself niether does she smoke or drink.

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Mrs Pearson was quite loving and devoting towards her family. She worked hard a lot for her family all day long instead of all this she was subjected to ill treatment by her family including her husband. She was badly treated but she never complained and always tried to give her best. She could never think to harm her family.She tried to be harsh towards the family but could no longer continue it.
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Doris Pearson is the daughter of Mrs.pearson.She is a pretty girl in her early twenties. She looks pleasant but she is 'spoilt'child.She makes her mother run after her all the time.She gives order to her as if Mrs.pearson were the servant in the house. She asks her mother to iron her yellow silk. She expects tea to be served to her. She always thinks her and her boyfriend Charlie.
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Mrs pearson is a loving wife in this play ''mothers day'' written by j.b priestly. She works hard to kept her family members happy. She works all hours of the day all days of the week 'all weeks of the month to keep him happy and carefree. But she does not get any praise and thanks for it from them they treats her as she was servent. Mrs pearson feels unhappy about it .Even them she doesn't protest against her family members. On the other hand Mrs Fitzgerald is an outspoken frank and bold women. She believes in equal rights with the men she feels that the woman should try to be the boss of her family she is a liberated women and does bear Ill treatment given by her family members to her so he helped Mrs annie pearson. She interchange her personality and rebuked Doris and Cyril for treating their mother in a bad manner
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