Character sketch of mrs Otis 


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Mr. otis was an american minister who donot at all believe in any ghost. He was very strong hearted man.even after the repeated warnings by his friends,relatives and others he sticked to his decision of buying caterville chase.He showed that he is a modern american with no such believe in any supernatural element.<,like existense of ghost> 

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he is a person with strong heart and mind.he is a person who sticks on with his decisions.He doesnt believe on superstitious things and so on

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 She is a very handsome middle-aged woman with fine eyes and a superb profile. She has a magnificent constitution and a wonderful amount of animal spirits.”

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she was a nice women!

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Mr. otis was an american minister who donot at all believe in any ghost. He was very strong hearted man.even after the repeated warnings by his friends,relatives and others he sticked to his decision of buying caterville chase.He showed that he is a modern american with no such believe in any supernatural element.<,like existense of ghost>

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