character sketches of STAR and STRIPES plzzz

They are the youngest members of the Otis family. They study at Eton, an English boarding school. We are told that The Star and Stripes—a reference to the American flag—is the nickname for the twin brothers. They prove to be the Canterville ghosts nemeses. They attack him with pillows and pea shooters. They dress up as ghosts to scare him off his wits. They set trip wires and butter slides in different parts of the house to make him fall.

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They are the youngest members of the Otis family. They study at Eton, an English boarding school. We are told that they were called as the Star and Stripes-as their nickname-which came as a reference to the american flag.

The Otises are extrordinary bold and the twins are not an exception to it. They prove to be the Canterville ghosts nemeses. They attack him with pillows and pea shooters. They fell water on his head. They dressed up as ghosts to scare him off his wits. They set trip wires and butter slides in different parts of the house to make him fall.

We can say that they played an important role in driving away the ghost from the Chase. The ghoost was fed up with their courageus pranks, and feeling weak, and tired, decides to give up.

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Conspicuously they were the only in the family of Irises who were described as the sole Republicans.They played a very crucial part in the story bringing euphoria and hilarity.They are the only who can be justifiably credited for the predicament of the phantom.They were the only reason due to which the Phantom found himself infirm to beleaguer and retaliate From The Duke of Cheshire.They made the ghost to preclude himself from many of his intentions like those of transforming into a big black dog when Mrs.Otis insulted him by giving him Dr.Dobells tincture.By their act of flinging pillows at the ghost they proved to be stelwart.They distraughted the ghost in many ways just like by constructing butter slides.Due to their acts the perturbed ghost called their escapade their vulgarity.In their presence of the two boys he was even unable to sleep peacefully.
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