cherecter sketch of ghost in canterille chase

The protagonist of Oscar Wilde's story "The Canterville Ghost" is, as the name suggests, a Ghost. When alive, Sir Simon Canterville was a dashing, young, headstrong knight. He had murdered his wife Lady Eleanor in a moment of anger. However, even after having become a Ghost, Sir Simon does not seem to relent his brashness. Instead he would take great joy in frightening the inhabitants of Canterville Chase. To a certain extent, it seems that Sir Simon would put on this act as a frightening scepter, only to keep himself entertained and for revenge. However, if we delve deeper we will find that the Ghost is a poor lost soul seeking redemption. He wanted to avenge himself for having been starved to death by his brothers-in-law. Nevertheless, he soon discovered that vengeance did not provide the peace or joy that he was seeking. Instead it was the unconditional love and tears of  pure, honest Virginia that finally gave him peace The character of the Ghost undergoes a sea change from being a frightening apparition, to himself being scared by the Otis family. Finally, it was a member of the Otis family who  freed him from his punishment. By the end of the story the Ghost has been transformed from being the cause of all instances of hilarity in the story to becoming the cause for pity in the mind of the readers of this tale.  

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He is a sixteenth-century ancestor of Lord Canterville. When alive, he murders his wife, Lady Eleanore, for being a poor housekeeper. Later, he is starved to death by his wifes brothers in retribution for his crime. His skeleton, chained in a little room, is discovered in the late nineteenth century by the American residents of the house.

For three hundred years, the disembodied spirit of Sir Simon roams Canterville Chase, haunting and terrorising its inhabitants. He takes especial pleasure in frightening his relations. He goes about his nocturnal expeditions with a strong sense of duty. It is the sole reason for his existence. He takes pride in scaring people to insanity and death. He delights in recalling his long list of victims and his different ghostly attires such as the Blood-Sucker of Bexley Moor, the Headless Earl and Jonas the Graveless.

gud luck :))

Nevertheless, the much-feared ghost proves inadequate in case of the Otises. His attempts at striking terror in their hearts are either ignored by them or foiled by the pranks of the Otis twins. In fact, the practical jokes of the twins affect the ghost so much that he exists in perpetual fear of the two.

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