chnge the follo.

chnge the follo. - in reported speech. last in that city -4- in this city that place there this place previous Lers Practise Change the fo"owirw sentences into indirect speech. Read the instructions given in 1. Bharathi said to Vani, "l cannot meet you at the station today." (said 7 days ago) 2. A girl in the audience said to the speaker. "You didn't answer my last question." 3. The doctor said to the patient. "I'll be out of station tomorrow." (two weeks ago) 4. Manish said to Rahima, "My grandma is visiting us this weekend." 5. Mrs Bakshi said to me yesterday morning, "Are you joining us for a cup of coffee now?" 6. The class teacher said, "Please submit your projects by this week." (said last week) 7. The stranger asked the traffic police, "Could you please tell me the way to the bus stationi this town ?" 8. Bubun said to her mother when they visited Jaipur last year, "Ma, this place looks famikz-• Let•s Learn Changing the narration The rules for changing the narration from direct to indirect speech vary according to the of the sentences. Declarative sentences For declarative sentences the reporting verbs say and tell in direct speech are usually changed to said and told if followed by an object. other reporting verbs, such as explain, express, suggest, observe, can also be used to the reporting verb say in direct speech, depending on the nature of the quoted speö • the conjunction that usually joins the quoted speech to the main sentence

Dear Student,
The answers are - 

1. Bharathi informed Vani seven days ago that she could not meet her at the station that day.
2. A girl in the audience reminded the speaker that he/she had not answered her last question.
3. The doctor informed the patient, two weeks ago that he/she would be out of station the next day.
4. Manish told Rahima that his grandma was visiting them that weekend. 
5.  Mrs Bakshi asked me the previous day's morning whether I was joining them for a cup of coffee then.
6. Last week the class teacher requested to submit our projects by that week.
7. The stranger asked the traffic police if he could please tell him the way to the bus station in that town.
8. Bubun told her mother that, that place looked familiar when they visited Jaipur the previous year.


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