Choose the correct answer:
During electrolysis of acidified water which of the followimg takes place:
A.oxygen is released at cathode
B.oxgen is released at anode
C.hydrogen is relaeased at anode
D.sulphur dioxide is released at anode

Dear student,

During electrolysis of acidified water ( water containing H+ ions), water(H2O) breaks into H+ and OH- the presence of acid and applied potential.

OHions lose electrons and O2 gas evolve at anode
4 OH⁻ ----> O2 + 2 H2O + 4 e- (at anode)

​​​Hions gains electrons from the cathode and H2 gas is evolved.
2H+ + 2e- ---> H2 (at cathode)

Hence, (B) is the correct answer, oxygen is released at the anode.


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