Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences:-
  1. Misha or her brother (is/are) sure to be at home.
  2. Either the teacher or the boys (is/ are) responsible for it.
  3. A number of questions (was/ were) asked from me.
  4.  Mr Das and his brother (live, lives) in this house.
  5.  Board and lodging (was, were) their free for us. 

Dear student 

The answers are, 

1. Misha or her brother is sure to be at home.
2. Either the teacher or the boys are responsible for it.
3. A number of questions were asked from me.
4. Mr Das and his brother live in this house.
5. Board and lodging (was, were) their free for us. -----this is not the answer. The question seems to be incorrect, please review it. 


  • 0
1. Are
2. Are
3. Were
4. Live
5. Were
It's pretty simple, you should try it on your own next time.
  • 0
  1. is
  2. are
  3. were
  4. live
  5. were
  • 3
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