Class--1 ,biology ,ch--13 ,question--7

Dear student,

The plant which is kept under sunlight will have darker leaves than the plant which is kept in shade. It is so because the leaves of the plant which is kept under sunlight gets more light which is essential for photosynthesis.Photosynthesis is a light dependent process. More the sunlight or we can say more is the intensity of light then the rate of photosynthesis is more. The leaves of the plant kept in shade will be performing less photosynthesis as compared to the other because it will not be getting the amount of sunlight it needs to perform photosynthesis. Chlorophyll in the leaves absorbs the sunlight and prepares the food and it is transported in the whole plant. Hence, the plant under the sunlight will have more darker leaves whereas the other plant which is kept under shade will have light coloured leaves.


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The leaves on the shady side of the tree and the potted plant which is kept in sunlight have leaves having darker green shade because the have CHLOROPHLL B in abundance as it's efficient at capturing low light intensity as compared to the one having lighter shade of green as they have abundance of CHLOROPHYLL A  which work good at capturing high light intensity. More light, light green and less light, darker green, it's that simple. 
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