CNG has a lower ignition temperature than wood. what does this statement means?

 "CNG has a low ignition temparature than than wood "                          

Ignition temparature means the lowest temprature in which a thing cathes fire.

As a result when we try to fire a wood it cacthes burn with the help of kerosean and paer or any other thing which have low tempareture. but when we try to burn a  CNG it cathes the fire quicly that means that the CNG has low ignition temparaure than th ewood .

As for more explanation the ignition temparature of wood is 25000-33000 kJ/kg and the ignition temparature of CNG is 50000 kJ/kg.

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 In simple words CNG will catch fire easily and at lower temperatures than wood

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Because it has lowertemperaturethat the substance is burning. This temperature is known as ignation temparature 

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This statement means that CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) will catch fire easily than wood . The ignition temperature means the temperature of an object at which it starts burning . The ignition temperature of CNG is lower than Wood . This will mean that Cng will burn at a lower temperature than wood .

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First you need to know what is ignition temprature mean.

Ignition temprature means that the object attracts fire more.

Eg:If you keep two paper glasses on the cooker one with water and the other empty.So the water containing glass will absorb the the fire (as water absorbs heat)but the empty one will catch fire easily.

So the cng will catch fire easily.

Hope it helped

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I would like to state that ignition temperature is the lowest temperature at which a combustible substance starts burning.

In the question statement,it is meant that CNG catches fire quicker tha wood as it has a lower ignition temperature.

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cng cctches fire quicker than wood.

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The minimum temperature to which a combustible substance must be heated before it catches fire is called ignetion temperature , here CNG has a lower ignition temperature means that CNG catches fire faster than wood.

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the statement means that CNG catches fire faster than wood.

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